Animation Rigging Package not working properly

Ok, I am using two bone IK constraint. It works somewhat, but doesn’t really update in-game. I have a weapon, which is a child of a Camera. The camera will move and rotate the weapon, but the bones do not update at all. However, If i play animation of the weapon, the bones will update accordingly. I also tried using FixedUpdate for the camera, since IKs use FixedUpdate, right? Well that didn’t work.

LateUpdate is where you want to apply any animation override. See also OnIKAnimator(){} (iir).

Using lateupdate to move camera or even weapon only also didn’t work. Constraints don’t update. Do you mean I need to write script to update the IK constraint manually each time or something like that?

NO, not at all. I use animation rigging (specfically two bone ik constraints) without any issues, But my point was, fixed update is not where you want to attempt applying animation overrides.

Really, this is the kind of thing a short vid, or a screen share would show much more clearer than a lightly informative post .

If you want someone to take a look at it, hit me up on discord, i might be able to help. Cheers.


I think the auto fill option for bones made it work, if anyone wonders.

It will help do it correctly, if you did it wrong. :smile: