Animation Rigging Scale Problem

I have a model that has a scale on the root bone. The root bone scale is 0.01, other bones have scale 1. I use Two Bone IK Constraint. I have a weird result. When I change Two Bone IK Constraint.weight, it look like IK solver effects shoulder bone more than other bones.

I am not sure if the scale causes this problem. What can cause that problem?



Hey, it is a bit hard to tell exactly what is going wrong without more information. Is the issue caused by scale? If you remove the scale before going in play mode and zoom way out do you still encounter the issue?
If do still see the issue it is probably not scale related. Some other things to check; Are there any other constraints active on the model? Does the problem persist if you remove any keyframes on weight and se the weight to 1 before entering play mode?
Lastly it would be good to know what version of Animation Rigging and Unity you are using.

Hey, I found the problem. Animator component cache or calculate some data when it is created. If I create it with a scaled rig and replace it with a nonscaled rig it works weird. After I replace rig I removed and readded Animator, It works fine now.

i have same problem , so what should i do ? need to change root scale from 0.001 to 1 ?

try to Reset the Animator using 3 dots top right.


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i reset the animation but not solved.

check this gif please (2).gif