Animation Rigging: Workflows?

I’m very interested in Animation Rigging, to the point where I’ve ignored Mecanim/Animator. However, I think Animation rigging is a little bit tied to mecanim? is that the best way to use it?

Is there alternative ways. You see I don’t wan’t to learn the old systems, only if they are used by the new systems, so am holding off learning traditional animation. I don’t know the intended workflow because I am a biginner in animating, so if The Developers can give a list or map of a good decent workflow, such as:

1.Bring in already rigged charachter with animations.
2. Put them in a state machine or use it other way ( maybe more detail here)
3. This is the areas to study. etc.

I’ve just imported the ninja project from september. The previous one was all magenta, because of the changes, maybe I should import that again. I’ll probably try to figure this out today. But I’m going to leave this here to report my findings, they’ll be equivelent to that of a confused chimps, but it’s important to try.

Hi sinjinn,

Mecanim (State Machine) and Animation Rigging aim to address different problems, so there is no reason to overlook it. Animation Rigging is used as a post process step to your animation (either driven by State Machine, Timeline, or your own PlayableGraph) so you can add constraints to your character.

Oh right. Maybe one of these big Youtubers can do something here. It’s kind of difficult to get a hold of some kind of map on the subject, like a flow chart.

However, to report on my project, I have the ninja rig running, and today, after a week of being diverted into Shader Graph, which is amazing, I have the ninja standing infront of a spiral, and I duplicated him… and now I guess I want to add my own animations to him, or make him move, or something. Progress has definitly been made.

I suspect Unity does this to encourage users to use their paid tools which include tutorials Learn game development w/ Unity | Courses & tutorials in game design, VR, AR, & Real-time 3D | Unity Learn

I dont think so. I think it’s just early days. There’s nothing indepth on Unity Learn about Animation rigging in a pipeline, just the basics for now. Maybe by 2020.1 they are ready, and provide more beginner friendly tutorials.

I got 12 months of learn premium from a youtuber for subscribing, also, in one of the recent talks on input or graphics or something, the guy is giving away 3 months voucher if you want to try it.

So, I guess I import a rigged charachter and animations…I have those already.
I then add the rig structure on top…will do.
then I will sacrifice an offering to the Gods…

i have started learning mecanim. i dont know how it works with Animation Rigging. I am like the blind man on on the ice.

I don’t get it. how does mecanim work with Animation rigging…

I need motion capture…

Ok. I managed to rig a leg…what now? time for the siggraph “build a ninja” pdf,now where was it?

this playable graph thing seems to be everywhere…under timeline, Animation…maybe I should learn that too.

Theres actually a lot of material out there on this, and repeatedly watching the videos and reading, I’m actually enjoying this package. This is an amazing tool, and I have barely even scrathed the surface with it. Well done.

Now back to work.

For the past few days my editor has been slow, and I figured my keyboard needed new batteries, however…
It seems having the Ninja charachters in the scene drastically reduce the editor performance, causing me to constantly overshoot when manouvering in the editor.

I will put this down to my lowly 1050ti and 8 gb of ram unless im corrected.

Edit : I decided to use Universal Render Pipeline instead, but the problem is even worse. I find this confusing. Surely the problem would be reduced if im on URP, but it’s significantly worse.

  1. The whole level runs great with even with all the sample constraint objects running.
  2. Place ninja in scene = editor lags = constantly overshooting when maneouvering in scene.

I’m about to amputate the ninja till I find out whats going on.

Edit 2: Seems to be the Rig Builder component. unchecking all the rigs doesn’t have an effect though, only when I disable the Rig Buildercomponent does the editor return to normal speed.

Well…it’s super fast now. It’s amazing. in 2020.1. I’m just kind of surprised that i had this big problem and now it’s fixed.

Just the new sky is all grey…how do i change a sky…hmmmm

Cant seem to change the color of any effector? How do I officially report bugs…

Currently looking for a way to change !runtime pose.

Which avenues might one explore to eradicate the foot slide on the ChainIK Scoripon sample rig?

Also, How can one modify the meshof the ninja. MC Hammer pants are not a good look.