Animation states are not changing

I m applying animation to the UI elements. Here i have used the Trigger parameters the parameters
are “Rem” and “Rev”

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class UIManager : MonoBehaviour
		public bool isPause = false;
		public static UIManager Instance;
		public Text enaryText;
		public int enargyLossValue = 2;
		// Use this for initialization
		void Awake ()
				Instance = this;
				//UIManager.Instance.enaryText.text = ""+PlayerPrefs.GetInt("highScore");
		public GameObject resumeMenu;
		public GameObject gamePlayUI;

		private Animator anim;

		void Start ()
				anim = resumeMenu.GetComponent<Animator> ();
				anim = gamePlayUI.GetComponent<Animator> ();
				resumeMenu.SetActive (false);
				gamePlayUI.SetActive (true);
				anim.SetBool ("IsGP", false);
				isPause = false;
		public void Pause ()
				isPause = true;
				resumeMenu.SetActive (true);
				anim.SetBool ("IsGP", true);
				anim.SetTrigger("Rev");    //here its working fine
		public void Reuse ()
				StartCoroutine (Resume ());
		IEnumerator Resume ()
				isPause = false;
				anim.SetTrigger("Rem");   //here its not playing the animation 
				anim.SetBool ("IsGP", false);
				yield return new WaitForSeconds (3f);
				resumeMenu.SetActive (false);

i have resolved this problem, by using two different animator variables
and this time i have used bool parameters, this is working fine. Thank U

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class UIManager : MonoBehaviour
		public bool isPause = false;
		public static UIManager Instance;
		public Text enaryText;
		public int enargyLossValue = 2;
		// Use this for initialization
		void Awake ()
				Instance = this;
				//UIManager.Instance.enaryText.text = ""+PlayerPrefs.GetInt("highScore");
		public GameObject resumeMenu;
		public GameObject gamePlayUI;

		private Animator anim, anim1; // here i have used two variables

		void Start ()
// use different animator for different game object see above start
				anim1 = resumeMenu.GetComponent<Animator> ();
				anim = gamePlayUI.GetComponent<Animator> ();
				resumeMenu.SetActive (false);
				gamePlayUI.SetActive (true);
				anim.SetBool ("IsGP", false);
				anim1.SetBool ("Rem", false);
				anim1.SetBool ("Rev", false);
//				Time.timeScale = 1;
				isPause = false;
		public void Pause ()
				isPause = true;
				resumeMenu.SetActive (true);
				anim.SetBool ("IsGP", true);
				anim1.SetBool ("Rem", true);
				anim1.SetBool ("Rev", false);
		public void Reuse ()
				StartCoroutine (Resume ());
		IEnumerator Resume ()
				anim1.SetBool ("Rem", false);
				anim1.SetBool ("Rev", true);
				anim.SetBool ("IsGP", false);
				yield return new WaitForSeconds (2f);
				isPause = false;
				resumeMenu.SetActive (false);
		public void Resta ()
				StartCoroutine (Restart ());
		IEnumerator Restart ()
				anim1.SetBool ("Rem", false);
				anim1.SetBool ("Rev", true);
				anim.SetBool ("IsRM", false);
				yield return new WaitForSeconds (2f);
				isPause = false;
				Application.LoadLevel ("Play");
		public void Men ()
				StartCoroutine (Menu ());
		IEnumerator Menu ()
				anim1.SetBool ("Rem", false);
				anim1.SetBool ("Rev", true);
				anim.SetBool ("IsRM", true);
				yield return new WaitForSeconds (2f);
				isPause = false;
				Application.LoadLevel ("MainMenu");
