Animation stops when another plays

I know there is already several topics about this issue, but none of the answers seem to help.

Here is the context:
I have a monster and a player with a flashlight. One script, attached to the monster, manages when it should chase the player. The script works fine for now.
I wanted to add something to the player to indicate that he is being chased by the monster. I decided to add animations, one for a flashlight blinking effect, and one for a higher FOV. When the monster stops chasing the player, his FOV goes back to normal using a third animation.

However, I noticed that, when the player is chased, the walk animation of the monster stops and the flashlight blinking animation doesn’t even play : the only animation playing is the FOV change animation.

I searched about how to fix this issue and learnt about AnimationsBlending, or in other words, playing multiple animations at the same time. I tried using different weights and layers, but nothing works.

Is there any way I could keep the walk animation of the monster playing, with the player FOV and flashlight blinking animations, at the same time?

Thank you very much!

I solved the issue by modifying a lot of things.
First of all, I believe the issue of the monster’s walk animation stopping was not related to it, and simply caused by the fact that I was disabling and reenabling the GameObject in order to move where I needed, in test mode. I tried to disable it in studio mode and enable it back on test mode, and his animation worked perfectly fine.
Secondly, I made several changes in how the effects animations work. I created another script containing a Update loop, and made it so the monster script will NOT play the chased player effects animations, but will simply turn a public boolean, in the other script I just created, attached to the player, “True” : with this, the new script will simply know if the player is being chased or not, according to what the monster script will turn the boolean into (False = not chased, True = chased).
To finish it up, I opened again the Animation and saw that the light component was missing (for unknown reasons). I recreated the animation again and it worked fine.
To sum up, my mistake was that I didn’t check twice what I made, and concluded that my issue was impossible to solve, but it was just tons of small stupid mistakes (disabling in test mode a GameObject, stopping its animation ; a missing component in my Animation). I am very sorry to all the people that searched for a solution, and I thank you for your time.