Animation Tree Editor !!

is thats true that unity3d has an animation Tree Editor? if thats True How can i use it i have unity3d 3.5 pro how can i use it?

As far as I can tell it currently does not… (currently using Unity 3.5 2f2)

What really depresses me about the unity community in general is its lack of knowledge about commonly used nomenclature in game development. I have been desperately trying to find out the same information and this is the third entry where someone has tried to answer the question without really understanding what was being asked.

For all of those in the future who are not familiar with what an animation tree is. Please allow me to help you give advice by defining what an animation tree is. An animation tree is hierarchy of animation clips that are blended together, or played in sequence to allow a character to perform certain actions in a game environment. (EX: running, walking, attacking) Usually all branches of the trees terminate by returning to a character idle state. Each clip either loops or terminate after playing once.

A good explanation can be found here as well.

This is an example of the node based animation tree editor in Unreal Engine 3

It’s great to know that people are willing to reach out to one another, but it is frustrating that there is a lack of animation professionals on the site.

Now that I have gone on a little tirade I will also ask if anyone out there knows of a way to create animation trees in unity. And if so, is there a tool to help non-programmers make a animation tree? If there isn’t I hope that unity releases one in the next version.

try Skill Studio