I left youtube tutorials at 3rd part because at the beggining of the 4rd part my rhino does not moving and I got answer that “I DO NOT HAVE ANIMATION TRIGGER IN MY ANIMATION CONTROLLER”
I had added only Speed parameter in this tutorial but I dont know what is that mean. I’ve never done that before so I dont know what should I add, where add trigger or what is trigger in animation controller. Can anyone help me? This is maybe easy but I really do not understand what to do
I am creating new enemy from this tutorial:
But when I put there this 3d model Rhino from Assetstore: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making
I got that error:
Parameter ‘Hash 1654612129’ does not exist.
ICode.Actions.UnityAnimator.ResetTrigger:OnEnter() (at Assets/Unitycoding/ICode/Scripts/Runtime/Actions/Animator/ResetTrigger.cs:17)
ICode.State:OnUpdate() (at Assets/Unitycoding/ICode/Scripts/Runtime/State.cs:97)