November 15, 2015, 8:11am
I have an animation modifying the Scale of an object. The scale simply goes from a starting value to zero.
But as I scrub across, the values actually get larger before going down to zero.
I have no idea what I did to cause this. Anybody have an idea what’s going on?
November 16, 2015, 5:53pm
I’ll answer my own question in case anyone else stumbles across this. Somehow, I modified the Curve of the animation.
Not yet sure how to put it back to linear as I wanted, but at least now I know what happened.
I know this is 2 years old, but maybe someone can get use of it.
Work around is like daz.
you have created from I can make out in the picture
frame 1: base pose
frame73: new pose
frame 210 base pose (same as frame 1)
Problem as I understand it, unity tweens the movements
Solution: if you want absolutely no tweens and can’t find linear (rather new to unity also)
Copy frame 1 pose and paste it at frame 72 and frame 74
There fore between frames 1 and 72 no change = no tween and like wise for 74 - 210
if you want frame 73 pose to be 10 frames lone, copy it to 83
You would end up with:
frame 1: base pose
frame 72 base pose
frame 73 new pose
frame 83 new pose
frame 84 base pose
frame 210 base pose
This is how eliminate tweens that are not wanted in daz with out changing out of tween mode so to speak.