Hi all,
Is it possible to select multiple GOs and simultaneously animate them in animation view? I am able to see the different GOs respective animations work together in game play mode, but I need to be able to edit curves and transform keys frame by frame for one object with respect to another in animation view - is this doable?
I am trying to animate several different independent bones that are skinned to the same object, and would like to see how they work together.
Thanks in advance.
I’m going to try again; please, if anyone has any ideas, I’d appreciate your input.
This is a little different scenario than in my previous post, but I’d still like to know how to proceed with animating multiple game objects simultaneously and/or in sequence.
I have 2 different game objects (a scalpel and a hand), each imported from Max with separate animation clips attached to each one. The hand clip selects the scalpel and then I would like the scalpel clip (just the scalpel moving as it is being picked up by aforementioned hand) to play while the hand clip also continues on - a this point they would both be moving towards the incision site.
If I was animating this in Max, I would use an attachment/link constraint to keep the two game objects together, but each GO would still have its own individual keys. How do I create an animation similar to this while using animation clips in Unity? I am having trouble understanding the workflow; b/c if each GO has its own clip attached to it, then it’s hard to animate one with relation to the other in animation view as only one clip can be played and/or edited at a time. Do I just animate multiple game objects with the same clip attached to them? I feel like I’m making this harder than it is…
We need exactly this. How else are we supposed to do cinematography on our scenes with multiple moving objects? Even I feel like I’m missing something basic and making it harder than it is. But it looks like this feature ain’t available in Unity. Is anyone listening? We need this. Currently, we’ll do it in Maya but it would’ve great if we could do it here itself.