Animation Window crashing display driver

Running into a rather frustrating problem when trying to use the Animation Window. When using the Curves tab, attempting to select and move a node or move the entire animation curve will cause my display driver to crash and then restart itself (which coincidentally enough also turns Unity into a blank screen). Most frustrating part is that it only happens MOST of the time. Sometimes it will work normally. Has anybody else run into this problem?

Note that this is occurring on a crappy laptop with an AMD Radeon HD 6620G. But, this has only ever happened when using the Animation Window. Every other aspect of Unity (and any other program for that matter) works fine. Have updated drivers, run it as the only program, restart the computer, etc etc. Still crashes.

A quick update - Didn’t “solve” the problem but did find a work-around. Shrinking the Animation window down to the smallest useable level seemed to do the trick. Pain in the butt to work in a tiny window, but far less frustrating than it crashing. So hopefully that helps anybody else who runs into the issue.