Animation Window is So Slow It's Unusable

Ever since unity 2020, my animation window has been unbelievably laggy. Basically any animation editing operation I do brings this popup up and I have to wait anywhere from 5-15 seconds for simple operations. For instance, bringing up the animation window DELAY, copy paste key frames DELAY, undo last operation DELAY. This is very strange to me because all of these processes used to be instant in unity for as long as I can remember.

Please tell me this is just some setting I need to turn because it’s absolutely driving me nuts and I’m seriously considering going back to an older version just because of this issue. Anyone else having the same problem? I see each new version goes by and they don’t seem to be looking into this at all but it’s the most serious bug I’ve seen in the editor in a while.

bump. Is nobody else having this problem? Just tried in a blank project with basic humanoid rig and took 10-15 seconds just to open the animation window. Out of curiosity I tested with Unity 2019 LTS version and it opened in less than 2 seconds as a comparison with the same model.

I don’t have this issue, but couple people have and they are working with Unity to hunt down the problem.

Especially in upgraded projects (which were started in earlier versions) sometimes deleting the Library folder helps. But it can be a long process since it means reimporting all assets, recompiling all shaders, etc. And there is no guarantee, of course. Check out the thread, maybe something helps.

Thanks for the reply. That thread seems like a more general issue, I’ve reimported a few times sadly to no avail. Also I tried in a blank project with just one character and the issue is there so doesn’t seem to be the library.

Are you sure it doesn’t affect you with humanoid animations? The window won’t lag if it’s very simple animations just a transform or two, but anything more complex it starts to slow to a crawl. I guess most projects people aren’t animating humanoids otherwise there would be a lot more complaints I’m sure. Again I just tested with older version on blank project and it is much much faster.

bump. Anyone else getting this issue when looking at character animations? Hard to believe I’m the only one who has this problem on a fresh project on newer versions

This has been an old issue and obviously has never been fixed. I’m on 2019.4.38f1 and just having to set 4 tangents for two rows of keyframes can take about 12 minutes in real time to have Unity become responsive again. It’s absolutely mind boggling and an extremely annoying. But there’s no way for me to have Blender do it in advance. Since it’s Unity’s task to read the tangents of the exported file, which it fails at. Oh yeah, the new Unity absolutely sucks. I never bothered with 2020 and onward.

Lmao, so let me get this straight. Let’s say I need to set animation curves for my characters by switching tangents: from/to Linear Constant and afterwards from/to Constant to linear in order to make it so that they instantly pop into their correct position and rotation. So I need to do that two times. And that takes about 24 minutes for Unity. Let’s say I need to do that 12 times.That’s 4,8 hours. That f*ing sucks… :slight_smile:

Yea the only way to fix it is to upgrade afaik. I don’t remember exactly which version fixed it, but I believe it was one of the 2021 versions

No way am I ever going to upgrade my project to 2021. I tried 2021 and it got tons of Hold On… Busy pop-ups constantly, even when changing properties in the inspector. It was absolutely atrocious.