I have been using the animation editor a lot lately and have been running into a couple issues I can’t seem to find any help on. I assume it is something I am doing that is causing the issue, but can’t figure out what that may be. The two issues I am up against are as follows:
Issue # 1:
I am animating a “sprite rig” that consists of a parent and child objects. Often I will need to copy/past key frames and can do so without issue. (Select key frame - press Cntrl+C to copy, select time on timeline and press Cntrl+V to past the key frame. From time to time suddenly I can no longer do a copy/paste in that fashion. The only way I can seem to resolve the issue is to close the project and reopen again. After that it will work just fine for awhile and then it will happen again. Anyone have any clue what may be causing this behavior?
Issue # 2:
Often when animating the same type of sprite rig as mentioned in issue #1, when I go to adjust the position of some child objects by using the 3d gizmo’s, it acts as if it is snapping to a grid. For example, Say the Xpos of child object = -0.167. When I grab the gizmo, the x pos value Jumps to 0 and then will only move as if snapped to a grid. If I input values directly into the X position on the transform it moves in correct increments. I assume this has to do with it being a child object and the parent position is effecting the child some how. It make moving those child object sprites around difficult and tedious at times. Can anyone shed light on what’s happening there?
Kind of new to using the animator so I assume these issues are self inflicted. Help?