Animation with UV Warp Modifier from Blender


I have been following this Blender tutorial on creating texture animations with a UV warp modifier. I was able to get everything working in Blender, including animating different facial expressions.

The problem I am having occurs when I import the model into Unity. When I play the animation in Unity, I don’t see the textures change along with the animation. My other bones are still moving (eg, the hands, legs, and head still move to the animation), but the texture doesn’t change. This means the characters mouth and eyes won’t move to change its expression.

Does Unity support the UV Warp modifier feature? If not, I am not sure how I combine texture animation with the armature animations.

Hi @The_Disposer !!

I’m right now with the same problem! XD

Did you fix it somehow? :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

hello i know this is a old question but have you solved the problem yet. i have the same issue.