Hey guys, new to Unity.
I wanted to ask how most people approach animation hierarchy in 2D.
I wanna make a game with an MC and multiple (skeleton rig) companions, each having their own animations etc., but also with cutscenes where they interact for example.
When I have these characters with different rigs, do I create separate animator controller and its animations for each character, or do I create a single controller for the “characters” game object that would contain all the animations for everyone?
Also, if I want to make a reusable mini cutscene where the MC can hug any of the companions, would I create two separate hugging animations (one for mc, one for each of the companions) and play them together, or would I somehow make a together single animation containing all the rigs and just hide/visible who’s active in the scene?
Thank you a lot. And also hope you have awesome holidays!