With unity 5
Debug.Log(“clip.events.len=” + clip.events.Length);
print result is 1
is report
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
UnityEngine.Debug.Log (System.Object message) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/UnityEngineDebug.gen.cs:84)
just because an array is 1 slot in length doesn’t mean there is anything in that slot.
His code shouldn’t raise a NullReferenceException in that case, though. “(null).ToString()” does not raise an exception.
“Debug.Log(clip.events[0])” should only raise an exception if “clip” is null.
Edit: Correction - Of course “(null).ToString()” does raise an exception. I was more on the use case of "Debug.Log(“test: " + (nullVariableHere))”, which doesn’t.
how are you accessing the animationClip? are you retrieving it from the Animator component via GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo()?
I’ve been playing with that a little just now and it looks like it only returns a value inside Update() and not Start() or Awake()… and it appears to not return a value in the first frame.
Project has an empty gameobject with a meshsphere as a child, all scripts/animators are on the parent, animation is the sphere child moving between y=0 and y=1 on loop. Event was added which changes the meshRenderer.material.color to a random colour at the top.
I ran
void Start()
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
void Update ()
and it returned
testingscript:Update() (at Assets/testingscript.cs:19) (x1)
testingscript:Update() (at Assets/testingscript.cs:19) (x1149)