Animations from Raw Mocap Data won't go truly straight

Hi, I’m new to Unity and trying to animate a character on input. I am using the animations from the Raw Mocap Data asset from the store.

I am trying to make my character simply walk forward using the “WalkFWD” animation from Raw Mocap Data, but somehow the character keeps drifting to the right as seen in this example.

At first I thought maybe there is a problem with my rig, but then I saw that the preview of the animation from Raw Mocap Data is actually not straight either, as seen here. As you can see, in both cases, the character keeps drifting to the right.

I tried checking the box “Bake into Pose” from the “Root Transform Rotation” but to no avail. What can i do about this? Should I just change my animation library? It’s the same with a lot of other animation in the library…

Well, first of all, what is your goal? Do you need the animation for an animated short or for a video game? If it’s a video game, I suggest you cut out the forward movement in world space altogether and move him through code … If forward movement is desired, I guess the mocap actor didn’t walk in a straight line, hence the slight drifting :).

I apologize if I misunderstood your question, feel free to explain in more detail if I did :).