The title of my thread is quite self-explanatory but I’ll go into more detail. I’ve got a third person character; made it from the first-person character controller with an animated character stuck out in front of the camera. All of the animations are imported in and loaded up via the animator. Animator is attached to the animator controller on the character and when I press the ‘W’ key, same key that makes the character controller roll forward, the run animation from the animator is triggered. I have transitions from idle to run and back again to idle but here is the problem; when I run a little, stop, run, stop, run, the character slowly begins to rotate to the left and doesn’t fully reset into the idle position. What’s happening here, am I missing an option/setting to make the idle animation solid and absolute?
This may or may not be the fix, depending on your animation clip. (This fix usually works for Mixamo clips.)
Try setting Root Transform Rotation > Based Upon (at Start) → Original, and keep Bake into Pose checked. If the animation starts out facing the wrong direction, adjust Offset.