Im new with all this about game development, modeling and animating, so please be gentle if Im missing something basic.
The thing is, when I do an animation in Maya with an IK, I bake it and then bring it into Unity with the model, however the animation wont play at all.
I tried using some other rig that didnt have an IK and it worked just fine with the same process.
Both HumanIK and Quickrig (Both having IK legs and arms) dont work, so my guess is that it has to do with the IK rig.
And yes, I did check to export the animations. Does Unity just not support IK rigs? Am I doomed to use a regular rig? Or am I missing something in the process?
Thanks for your help beforehand.
You are missing something in the process because Unity supports IK generated animations fine. Tuff to know what it is you are doing incorrectly as - it can be a lot of stuff. Safe to say though - it is something in Maya that is not correct. Test re-import of the fbx into Maya to see if the animation is working.
Sorry I don’t use Maya - so I can’t help with specifics. Unity only requires the bones and mesh - nothing else, so if you are exporting other rig components - you don’t have to.
Also check - bone influence per vertex. All game engines only support up to 4 bone influences per vertex. If there are more than 4 bones influencing each vertex - usually Unity will provide some super explosive unworkable results, but that doesn’t sound like your problem either. Might be setting up the rig incorrectly in Unity - set to generic and see if it works. Or - are you animating with the non-destructive setup in Maya (Idk the name) - which is not supported through the fbx export process?
Yeah I read on some other post about this that you need to setup 4 influences per bone, which I had set on 5. Still, no result. I also tried renaming my rig bones but no luck neither.
Still, only knowing that IK rigs are supported is good enough for me, that way I know that I just have to keep looking into it. I just started thinking that maybe it just wasnt supported.
I will keep trying out different stuff, watch some other in depth tutorials to see how they put their fbx settings and all, somehow I will get it working.
I know its not the models fault because I got to animate the same model with a different rig, so it has to be the way I make my rigs definitely.
Guess this was ought to happen since no one really taught me how to rig properly really. In a couple of days I will have a basic rigging lesson in class so hopefully that helps me out a bit.
Will update this post if I get any results or find any clues, thank you for your time!