Animations shift up and down slightly, causing idle animations to look weird

Hey, sorry if this is in the wrong area (first time I am asking anything on here.)

I have been having an issue with how animations display once my game is playing. The problem here is that I import idle animations via sprite sheets. I seperate the sprites using the sprite editor and create an animation with the useful Unity animator.

Now I am confident that the sprites are all the same size and cut properly and that in the original animation in the program I am using the create them (spriter pro) is not moving weirdly at all. The feet for example should be completely unmoved.

But when I play the game and look at the characters, they are shifting slightly up and down as the animation plays, causing the NPCs to look as though they are moving when they should actually be standing still (only moving their arms for example.)

There is nothing on the game object other than the animation controller.

Has anyone had this issue before, and does anyone have any idea how to fix it?


Sounds like a pivot issue - in Unity, although it could be a number of minor things.

Can you share a gif or video to show the shifting?

Are the sprites clamped at the top/bottom of the character or is there a couple pixel space between each?

thanks a lot for the quick reply. Here is a screen shot of the sprite editor:

To me they all look like the same size, and cropped as much as they have to be. There is a transparent shadow underneath the knight that takes some space. (I took this example because it is the most visible. Animations that are closer cropped without a shadow still have the same issue.)

And here’s the link to a 2 of the problem (the site tries to open an ad. sorry about that.). If you watch the feet and shadow of the NPC, you will find it shifting up and down. The player character next to it has a similar problem, albeit less noticeable.