

Im currently working on a game where i need to spawn a model of a human. I then want the character to display an animation. Ex. The character spawns and walks over to a machine. He then locks up, covers his head and gets crushed by an invisible boulder.

I want to know how to make the animation, Apply it to the character and display it. Ive tried every tutorial i could find. But i simply dont get it.

Have you tried making an animation using third party software such as Maya, Blender or even Motion Builder?

As using Unity to make a character animation especially one as complicated as what you described would be very difficult as the Unity built in animation system is not made for the creation of complex animations.

I would recommend looking into the following software:

Maya - Blender - MotionBuilder

If your are using Blender then you would have to create the animation in blender then export your character and animation and then import them into Unity. Here are some quick and easy to use resources you should look at on how to do this.