Animator blocking movement - why?

Hi, I’m trying to understand animation features in unity, but now struggling with effects, I cannot find any solution for.
Before adding animation I had a simple RigidBody2D-character, which is completely controlled by physics, i.e. by applying forces etc. to the RigidBody in the fixedUpdate()-method (never directly manipulating the Transform’s -position …).
In the next step I wanted to add some simple **Treadmill-**like animation to my object (just looping over three simple keyframes, just changing the sprite and not changing any other properties like position etc.).
For this I deselected the **“Apply Root Motion”-**option and further activated the “Animate PhysicsUpdate-Mode. As far as I understood it, this should enable my very simple Treadmill-like animation.
However if the Animation is activated now, the object is animated the way I want it, but the object cannot move anymore. Even if I can see high velocity-values in the inspector the object seems fixed to its inital spot fidgeting in a strange way. I just can’t figure out, what I did wrong … Anyone help me please?

Ah, after experimenting a while I found a simple workaround to this elementary problem:
I just splitted the two movement - aspects (simple animation by unity-Animator vs. movement by unity-physics) of the game object into two separate objects, one containing the other. The parent object has the RigidBody2D and reflects all the movement driven by physics, the inner child object is a mere sprite with my Animator component doing its animation stuff in Treadmill-style.
This works perfectly for me, however I don’t understand why I couldn’t find this simple but essential technique in the animation section of the unity manual nor anywhere else in the web … I really spent many of hours on this problem, trying out all possible combinations of Animator flags and values finding no proper solution for only one single object.