When i use any character with a animator controller like the Unity standard controller i have good FPS.
But when i use a animator controller that comes with a other character the FPS drops to 1-2.
It doesnt matter what character i use, still the FPS drops to 1-2 if i dont use Unitys standard animator controller. I cant even move the character!
If i then uncheck “ThirdPersonUserController” while have the laggy animator controller the FPS is back.
See for your self here, as soon i change to “ThirdPersonAnimatorController” the FPS is back again.
Are there any errors or warnings in the Console view? Maybe your other animator controller doesn’t use the same parameter names as in your control script.
For better help, you should open the animator controller and show us that. My guess is that there is some event attached to one of your animations that is firing repeatedly. What is the default animation for the controller, just an idle animation? Open up the animator controller, then click on the default animation ( the orange one) and then check the inspector to see what is going on with that animation.
Yeah, it definitely is what Tony said and not what I was thinking. The parameters in your scripts are what is causing the issue. What I mentioned could have caused problems, but after seeing your error messages it is definitely the script looking for parameter
the parameters will be listed on the white lines that connect two states. For instance, between ´Idle´ and ´1h_tookweaponout´ there is a white line with a small white arrow, click on the arrow and it will pull up the transition that shows what parameter is used to control that transitions. You are going to have to go through every transition and set the parameter somewhere in your scripting.
At the same time, you are also going to have to remove references to parameters in your current scripts that point to parameters that do not exist in your animator controller. (which is what is causing the FPS issues).
It is not easy to Frankenstein a character control system with an animator controller that wasn´t built from scratch to be used with it. You are going to have to do a lot of dirty legwork to fix it. You are probably much better off just using the control scripts that came with the animator controller and modify them to fit your needs. (IMHO) or start from scratch with your scripts using the parameters from the animator controller.