animator controller issues

I made a assetbundle of animator controller for iOS,using several versions of Unity. When it loaded, the result is differenet:
Unity 4.6.x - Error “Can not produce class with ID 91”
Unity 5.0.0f4 - OK
Unity 5.0.0p3 and Unity 5.0.1p3 - Error “Can not produce class with ID 91”

I don’t know how to solve it.

What version did you create the bundle in?

I rebuild it by current version everytime

Current version for which part?

Typically, your asset bundle should match the client version. So if your client was built in 5x, the asset bundle should be generated by the same version. There are exceptions, but probably since there have been changes to the animator, you’ll need to match versions

I rebuild all assetbundle after upgrading my unity version.
other parts (mesh, texture, material) works well on iOS except animator controller.
everytime, it works well on Editor.

And the iOS build is created in the version that you are making the bundles in?


Thanks for your reply, i have solved this problem.

cool. Good to know that about stripping.