This might be not related to bugs at all, but after I’ve upgraded 2018.3.0b2 → 2018.3.0b3 seems like it’s no longer returning any bones. Also, I’ve upgraded to 2018.3.0b4 and it’s the same result.
I’ve also lost some of the prefab references, can this be a cause of this? If so, can someone point me where to assign those?
Or, it’s because of the changes to the model importer? Some help would be appreciated.
Okay, so it turns out that changing mode to none, then restarting Unity, and changing back to humanoid on the avatar re-imports it without an error.
Also, once I got rid of the error, it generated “almost” an avatar. It passed code checks above without any issues, however, bones were still returning as null.
What I did was to open the avatar and pressed “Done” button, and it saved it.
After that, GetBoneTransform found the bones correctly.
From now on I’m pretty sure ModelImporter is messed up.