I’m trying to alternate between wheter a non-looping animation should play backwards or forwards from script. I do this by setting an Animator Parameter to a negative or a positive value and having the state’s Speed Multiplier use this parameter.
The problem is that when I set it to a negative value the animation freezes.
Is this not supported or should I file an issue in the tracker?
This is supported and I can verify it works in 5.3.5. Is there anything else that could be affecting the animation (component, statemachinebehaviour, etc)?
I reproduced it (in 5.3.5) with a clean GameObject without any additional behaviours. I realized that it’s working with looping animations, but not with non-looping ones. I need it to work with the latter, so the issue still exists.
I was able to reproduce the behavior you are seeing. I did just like you and started clean to establish a minimal repro case. I have done a quick test with a Humanoid rig, but would be interested to see if a Generic rig would behave any differently. I would recommend filing a bug report on this.