Animator not transitioning

I’m trying to add a new state to the Animator Controller for the main character. I want to make a transition from Idle(s) to this new state (and back). The condition to go from Idle(s) to the new state is a trigger parameter. When entering play mode and manually setting the radio button of the corresponding trigger parameter, nothing happens and the new state is never reached.
On the state machine side, things seem to work properly since the current state displayed in the debugger section of the state machine component of the PigChef is the right one.
Does anyone have a hint? How can I properly add a new state to the Animator Controller?

That’s strange, then it’s a setup issue and not something connected to this project specifically. You should definitely check the condition and make it work by clicking, then once that’s done, you can worry about connecting it with the state machine unique to this project.