Animator State Transitions lack customizability

I really wish there was a way to transition from one animation to the next in a way that wasn’t just linear. I looked around and found this: Unity - Manual: Easing-in and Easing-out clips
but this is for a much older version of unity and is no longer a supported feature. To be able to Ease-in and Ease-out of two states, with control over the nature of the easing would be godsend. Instead, I purposefully create extra animations that are literally just transition states that ease, but I am also aware that this is not sustainable for animations that have a lot of connectivity/transitions.

There may even be existing solutions that I’m unaware of, but since I’m using the animator for UI, I can’t find many tutorials on layers, substate-machine, and blending work for UI elements.

I don’t use UI Toolkit either because the animations available are too basic and also it is incompatible with the current game I’ve been hired to work on.

This is also the Animation team :stuck_out_tongue:
I guess we need an Animation team Dev blitz next!
I’ll pass the feedback on to them. Thanks


Dang, I use these for UI so I thought I could squeak it in, oh well

There is an experimental animation system for UI Toolkit but it’s separate from the existing animation system. Ill let the UI Toolkit team give further details.

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UI Toolkit now supports uss transitions which are analog to css transitions. It’s a fairly simple animation system that is built-in directly in UI Toolkit. There is no built-in way to drive it through Timeline/Animation at the moment (more info about that here ).

In the future, as we improve UI Toolkit, there might be proper integration with the Timeline/Animation workflows, but as Karl said, adding features in those workflows is owned by the Animation team.


Definitely looking for UGUI features, mainly because UI Toolkit doesn’t cover everything that UGUI can do right now.

When start working on proper integration with the Timeline/Animation workflow, I hope UI Toolkit runtime UI can solve UI animation performance issue at uGUI that when using Animator to animate uGUI it will greatly affect ui performance.