Animator to Ragdoll Transition

Does anyone know how to blend the transition from an animation to the ragdoll state?

If I simply disable the Animator component of the character and setting all the ragdoll rigid bodies to non-kinematic the character goes limp. It looks really odd and unrealistic.

How do I transfer the motion from the animation to the ragdoll?

Any help appreciated. Thanks

depends on if you have a separate ragdoll object or you’re using the same skeleton.

basic principle is keeping track of bone movement (velocity, linear/angular)
and transferring it to the ragdoll bones

I am looking for a same skeleton method for the sake of simplicity.

The separate ragdoll setup I have tried before but I really do not like it because it causes unnecessary complexity for my NPC logic. Complexity is okay if the benefit is great enough but for only ragdolls at the death of a NPC life cycle is hard to justify.

So just initialize the bones to the animated pos/rot? Is that all there is to it? Does this need to be done over multiple frames or just on the frame the animator is disabled and rigid bodies set to non-kinematic?

not just same position/rotation, but transfering the velocity too.

simply one frame adding force or velocity to rigidbodies in fixedupdate should be enough.