I want one idle animation to be called if any of a number of conditions are met. Is this possible from within the transition conditions inspector panel?
I may be misunderstanding what you are saying but… you can add multiple transitions between two animations and set them to be activated through different conditions. You may need to be more specific with your question.
I had this same issue, it would be nice if they had the OR option!
The work around I had was simply to just add another transition which both linked to the same node.
EG Node 1 =Attack1, Node 2 = Attack2
Two parameters : AttackTrigger1, AttackTrigger2
from Attack1 node to Attack2 node create two seperate transitions
first: AttackTrigger1 , second: AttackTrigger2
which will act the same as if from Node1 IF AttackTrigger1 OR AttackTrigger2 is triggered it will transition to Node 2
Just use multiple transitions, if you add another one between 2 states, they act as or.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think you can simply add a number of transitions from one state to another and that should give you an OR effect.
Hope this helped.
You can derive ‘OR’ from ‘AND’
(A OR B) is the same as NOT ((NOT A) AND (NOT B))