Animator - Transition in middle of animation

I’ve created an animation in the Animator with a couple of states (walking and idle). I have a boolean parameter called isWalking which triggers the transitions between the idle and walking states.

However, when I set isWalking to true, it waits until the idle animation is finished before transitioning to the walking animation. I want it to begin the transition as soon as isWalking is set to true.

Is there anyway I can make transitions activate immediately instead of waiting for the current animation to finish?

As requested, here is the code:

 if (GetComponent<CharacterPhysics>().IsWalking())
            GetComponentInChildren<Animator>().SetBool("isWalking", true);
            GetComponentInChildren<Animator>().SetBool("isWalking", false);

However, I’m not sure how relevant the code is because I can see the value being changed properly in the Animator window, but it waits until the current animation is finished before transitioning (instead of transitioning as soon as the conditions for the transition are set)

Ended up finding the solution:

Removing the “Exit Time” trigger altogether achieves what I want to do and will change animations as soon as the other conditions are met.

Unity 5 - Uncheck “Has Exit Time”

I dont have an Exit Time box, and my animations are slow.