AnimatorItemCollectionData.GetState (Int32 layer, Boolean moving) (at Assets/Third Person Controller/Scripts/Utility/AnimatorStateData.cs:368)

I getting this error : NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Opsive.ThirdPersonController.AnimatorItemCollectionData.GetState (Int32 layer, Boolean moving) (at Assets/Third Person Controller/Scripts/Utility/AnimatorStateData.cs:368)

Here the code :

 public AnimatorItemStateData GetState(int layer, bool moving)
            var abilityStates = m_Abilities;
            if (abilityStates != null) {
                // Abilities have the highest priority.
                for (int i = 0; i < abilityStates.Length; ++i) {
                    if (abilityStates*.Ability.IsActive) {*

var state = GetState(layer, abilityStates*);*
if (state != null) {
return state;
if (moving) {
// Moving has the next highest priority.
var state = GetState(layer, m_Movement);
if (state != null) {
return state;
} else {
// Idle has the lowest priority.
var state = GetState(layer, m_Idle);
if (state != null) {
return state;
return null;

Could you specify in which line of the snippet the error appears?

It’s line 368 :

using UnityEngine;
using System;
using Opsive.ThirdPersonController.Abilities;

namespace Opsive.ThirdPersonController
    /// <summary>
    /// A small class that stores the state name and the amount of time that it takes to transition to that state.
    /// </summary>
    public class AnimatorStateData
        [Tooltip("The name of the state")]
        [SerializeField] protected string m_Name = "Movement";
        [Tooltip("The time it takes to transition to the state")]
        [SerializeField] protected float m_TransitionDuration = 0.2f;
        [Tooltip("The Animator multiplier of the state")]
        [SerializeField] protected float m_SpeedMultiplier = 1;
        [Tooltip("Can the animation be replayed while it is already playing?")]
        [SerializeField] protected bool m_CanReplay;

        // Exposed properties
        public string Name { get { return m_Name; } }
        public float TransitionDuration { get { return m_TransitionDuration; } }
        public float SpeedMultiplier { get { return m_SpeedMultiplier; } }
        public bool CanReplay { get { return m_CanReplay; } }

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for AnimatorStateData.
        /// </summary>
        public AnimatorStateData(string name, float transitionDuration)
            m_Name = name;
            m_TransitionDuration = transitionDuration;

            m_TransitionDuration = 0.2f;
            m_SpeedMultiplier = 1;

    /// <summary>
    /// Extends AnimatorStateData to store data specific to the item states.
    /// </summary>
    public class AnimatorItemStateData : AnimatorStateData
        /// <summary>
        /// Specifies the layer that the state can play within.
        /// </summary>
        public enum AnimatorLayer { Base = 1,
                            UpperBody = 2,
                            LeftArm = 4,
                            RightArm = 8,
                            LeftHand = 16,
                            RightHand = 32

        [Tooltip("Should the Item name be added to the start of the state name?")]
        [SerializeField] protected bool m_ItemNamePrefix;
        [Tooltip("Specifies the layers that the state can use")]
        [SerializeField] protected AnimatorLayer m_Layer = AnimatorLayer.UpperBody;
        [Tooltip("Should states with a lower item priority be ignored?")]
        [SerializeField] protected bool m_IgnoreLowerPriority;
        [Tooltip("Should the animation force root motion? Only applies if the Layer is using the base layer")]
        [SerializeField] protected bool m_ForceRootMotion;

        // Internal variables
        private ItemType m_ItemType;
        private Ability m_Ability;

        // Exposed properties
        public bool ItemNamePrefix { get { return m_ItemNamePrefix; } set { m_ItemNamePrefix = false; } }
        public AnimatorLayer Layer { set { m_Layer = value; } }
        public bool IgnoreLowerPriority { get { return m_IgnoreLowerPriority; } set { m_IgnoreLowerPriority = value; } }
        public bool ForceRootMotion { get { return m_ForceRootMotion; } }
        public ItemType ItemType { get { return m_ItemType; } set { m_ItemType = value; } }
        public Ability Ability { get { return m_Ability; } set { m_Ability = value; } }

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for AnimatorItemStateData.
        /// </summary>
        public AnimatorItemStateData(string name, float transitionDuration, bool itemNamePrefix)
            : base(name, transitionDuration)
            m_ItemNamePrefix = itemNamePrefix;

        /// <summary>
        /// Is the state within the specified layer?
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="layer">The layer index to check against.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the state is within the layer.</returns>
        public bool IsStateWithinLayer(int layer)
            return Utility.InLayerMask(layer, (int)m_Layer);

    /// <summary>
    /// Represents an array of AnimatorItemStateData. Can specify how to transition from one item state to another.
    /// </summary>
    public class AnimatorItemGroupData
        /// <summary>
        /// Specifies how to change from one state to next.
        /// </summary>
        public enum Order { Random, // Randomlly choose a state within the array.
                            Sequential, // Move from the first element to the second, third, etc.
                            Combo, // Moves sequentually until the timeout is reached, then resets back to the start.

        [Tooltip("Specifies how the Animator should transition from one state to another")]
        [SerializeField] protected Order m_StateOrder;
        [Tooltip("The amount of time that the next combo state must be run before resetting back to the start")]
        [SerializeField] protected float m_ComboTimeout = 1;
        [Tooltip("The list of states to cycle through")]
        [SerializeField] protected AnimatorItemStateData[] m_States;

        // Exposed properties
        public Order StateOrder { get { return m_StateOrder; } }
        public float ComboTimeout { get { return m_ComboTimeout; } }
        // Exposed properties for Item Builder
        public AnimatorItemStateData[] States { get { return m_States; } }

        // Internal variables
        private int m_NextStateIndex;
        [NonSerialized] private AnimatorItemCollectionData m_ParentCollection; // Must be NonSerialized or Unity will cause an infinite loop.

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor for AnimatorItemGroupData.
        /// </summary>
        public AnimatorItemGroupData(string name, float transitionDuration, bool itemNamePrefix)
            m_States = new AnimatorItemStateData[] { new AnimatorItemStateData(name, transitionDuration, itemNamePrefix) };

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the AnimatorItemGroupData.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentCollection">The AnimatorItemCollectionData that represents the group.</param>
        /// <param name="itemType">The ItemType that represents the group.</param>
        /// <param name="ability">The Ability that represents the group.</param>
        public void Initialize(AnimatorItemCollectionData parentCollection, ItemType itemType, Ability ability)
            m_ParentCollection = parentCollection;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_States.Length; ++i) {
                m_States*.ItemType = itemType;*

m_States*.Ability = ability;


/// Returns the state in the array.

/// The layer to get the state of.
/// The state in the array.
public AnimatorItemStateData GetState(int layer)
var nextStateIndex = m_StateOrder == Order.Random ? m_NextStateIndex : m_ParentCollection.NextStateIndex % m_States.Length;
if (m_StateOrder == Order.Combo && m_ParentCollection.LastComboRetirevalTime + m_ComboTimeout < Time.time) {
// Reset the state index if the retrieval time of the next state isn’t faster than the timeout. This will force
// the combo to reset back to the start.
nextStateIndex = 0;

var itemState = m_States[nextStateIndex];
if (itemState != null && itemState.IsStateWithinLayer(layer)) {
return itemState;
return null;


/// Advance to the next state.

public void NextState()
if (m_StateOrder == Order.Random) {
m_NextStateIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, m_States.Length);


/// Contains an array of AnimatorItemGroupData elements. Allows for multiple sets of item states.

public class AnimatorItemSetData
/// Specifies how to change from between the item states.

public enum Order
Random, // Randomlly choose a group.
Sequential, // Move from the first element to the second, third, etc.
[Tooltip(“A list of the available item groups”)]
[SerializeField] protected AnimatorItemGroupData[] m_Groups;
[Tooltip(“Specifies how to change between the item states”)]
[SerializeField] protected Order m_GroupOrder;

// Exposed properties for Item Builder
public AnimatorItemGroupData[] Groups { get { return m_Groups; } }

// Internal variables
private int m_NextGroupIndex;


/// Consturctor for AnimatorItemSetData.

public AnimatorItemSetData(string name, float transitionDuration, bool itemNamePrefix)
m_Groups = new AnimatorItemGroupData[] { new AnimatorItemGroupData(name, transitionDuration, itemNamePrefix) };


/// Initializes the AnimatorItemSetData.

/// The AnimatorItemCollectionData that represents the group.
/// The ItemType that represents the group.
public virtual void Initialize(AnimatorItemCollectionData parentCollection, ItemType itemType)
for (int i = 0; i < m_Groups.Length; ++i) {
m_Groups*.Initialize(parentCollection, itemType, null);


/// Returns the next AnimatorItemGroupData.

/// The next AnimatorItemGroupData.
public AnimatorItemGroupData GetStates()
return m_Groups[m_NextGroupIndex];


/// Advance to the next state.

public void NextState()


/// The next state index should be reset back to the beginning.

public void ResetNextState()
if (m_GroupOrder == Order.Random) {
m_NextGroupIndex = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, m_Groups.Length);
} else {
if (m_NextGroupIndex >= m_Groups.Length) {
m_NextGroupIndex = 0;


/// Extends AnimatorItemSetData by allowing a particular item state to belong to an Ability.

public class AnimatorItemAbilitySetData : AnimatorItemSetData
[Tooltip(“Specifies the ability that should be active when the states can play”)]
[SerializeField] protected Ability m_Ability;

// Exposed Properties
public Ability Ability { get { return m_Ability; } }


/// Constructor for AnimatorItemAbilitySetData.

public AnimatorItemAbilitySetData(string name, float transitionDuration, bool itemNamePrefix) : base(name, transitionDuration, itemNamePrefix) { }


/// Initializes the AnimatorItemAbilitySetData.

/// The AnimatorItemCollectionData that represents the set.
/// The ItemType that represents the set.
public override void Initialize(AnimatorItemCollectionData parentCollection, ItemType itemType)
for (int i = 0; i < m_Groups.Length; ++i) {
m_Groups*.Initialize(parentCollection, itemType, m_Ability);


/// Organizes a set of AnimatorItemGroupData into one parent object.

public class AnimatorItemCollectionData
[Tooltip(“The states for when idle”)]
[SerializeField] protected AnimatorItemSetData m_Idle;
[Tooltip(“The states for when moving”)]
[SerializeField] protected AnimatorItemSetData m_Movement;
[Tooltip(“The states for when an ability is active”)]
[SerializeField] protected AnimatorItemAbilitySetData[] m_Abilities;

// Internal variables
private AnimatorItemSetData m_ActiveState;
private int m_NextStateIndex;
private float m_LastRetrievalTime = -1;

// Exposed properties
public int NextStateIndex { get { return m_NextStateIndex; } }
public float LastComboRetirevalTime { get { return m_LastRetrievalTime; } }
public float LastUpperBodyStateTransition { get { return m_ActiveState.GetStates().GetState(1).TransitionDuration; } }
// Exposed properties for Item Builder
public AnimatorItemSetData Idle { get { return m_Idle; } }
public AnimatorItemSetData Movement { get { return m_Movement; } }


/// Constructor for AnimatorItemCollectionData.

public AnimatorItemCollectionData(string idleName, string movementName, float transitionDuration, bool itemNamePrefix)
m_Idle = new AnimatorItemSetData(idleName, transitionDuration, itemNamePrefix);
m_Movement = new AnimatorItemSetData(movementName, transitionDuration, itemNamePrefix);
m_Abilities = new AnimatorItemAbilitySetData[] { };


/// Initializes the AnimatorItemCollectionData to its starting values.

/// The ItemType that represents the collection.
public void Initialize(ItemType itemType)
m_Idle.Initialize(this, itemType);
m_Movement.Initialize(this, itemType);

if (m_Abilities != null && m_Abilities.Length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_Abilities.Length; ++i) {
// Arrange the ability states according to the ability priority. This allows the higher priority abilities to be able to specify the state name prefix
// ahead of the lower priority abilities.
Array.Sort(m_Abilities, delegate (AnimatorItemAbilitySetData state1, AnimatorItemAbilitySetData state2) {
if (state1.Ability == null || state2.Ability == null) {
return 0;
return state1.Ability.Index.CompareTo(state2.Ability.Index);

m_Abilities*.Initialize(this, itemType);


/// Returns the AnimatorItemStateData of the given AnimatorItemGroupData.

/// The layer to get the state of.
/// Is the character moving?
/// The AnimatorItemStateData of the given AnimatorItemGroupData. Can be null.
public AnimatorItemStateData GetState(int layer, bool moving)
var abilityStates = m_Abilities;
if (abilityStates != null) {
// Abilities have the highest priority.
for (int i = 0; i < abilityStates.Length; ++i) {
if (abilityStates*.Ability.IsActive) {*
var state = GetState(layer, abilityStates*);*
if (state != null) {
return state;
if (moving) {
// Moving has the next highest priority.
var state = GetState(layer, m_Movement);
if (state != null) {
return state;
} else {
// Idle has the lowest priority.
var state = GetState(layer, m_Idle);
if (state != null) {
return state;
return null;