AnimatorTimeline.Play("take",true)does not loop...

Hi there,
excuse my english.
I m trying to use that free add :AnimatorTimeline;
To have a loop in your playback the doc says script this:


But for me it does not loop at all, it clamps…
during the playback time I can see in the editor that he addComponent an"AMTween" script within a LoopType variable. if during playBack i change (in the editor)the loop Type to loop, then it loops. but at end of game the LoopType reset to none. I have tryed to reach the loopType enum having a GetComponent but it answered me : could read only…

it was something like

function Start () {
 bla = GetComponent(AMTween);


Hope someone can light me here.
thank you.

ok, for the dummies like me: do not forget to set the end of the track.