Announcement: Element Racer - Multi Player Racing Game

Hey guys, I want to present you our multi player game made with Unity3D.

Here we are with Element Racer, a student game project we’ve been working on since January 2011.
Drive through a colorful world that is dynamically changing every 15 seconds and try to adept yourself to the track to get many advantages.

You can play on PC or Mac against 3 of your best friends in the challenging multi player mode via LAN or practice on single player to get your Highscore.

visit for more information

Artwork’s fantastic, looks like you guys are really good at art. Just a quick point (I’m not sure if this was the video quality or whatever)- the audio sounds ever so slightly… bad. It’s probably just the video like I said, but I just thought I’d point it out!

Thank you for your feedback, either it happened while recording with fraps or the export/upload quality for youtube.
We will try to figure it out :slight_smile:

Looks great!

Were the models made with Sketchup?

For modeling we used Autodesk Maya 2010
exported them into *.fbx file format

We are now featured on
Element Racer Windows, Mac game - IndieDB :slight_smile:

Really nice game :slight_smile:
I look forward to. Türkçe konuşabiliyor musun?