The time has come to present the 5 finalist for the Top DOG contest. Judging these games was no easy task, and we truly wish that everyone could become a finalist. Nevertheless, we had to pick five.
Please keep in mind that we want to share these games with everyone as soon as possible. Some of them were built using a pre-release version of Unity 2.0 and therefore require the beta version of the Unity Web Player. With that in mind, we’d like to wait until 2.0 is shipped before releasing these games for everyone to play.
Without further adieu, here are the finalists in no particular order…
In this island-romping swashbuckle of an adventure, Captain Smellybeard has to recover his lost treasure! To do so, he’ll fight through piranhas, crazy crabs, and even a swarm of deadly natives!
This bubble-popping physics experience is smooth as silk. Bringing a physical twist on a classic game concept, you will be popping bubbles for hours. The integrated level editor and level sharing system will keep you busy long after you finish the main game.
Simple to learn, difficult to master. This uniquely mouse-driven game will charm your socks off with its bright colors, fun characters, and addictive tennis action!
A daring reinvention of puzzle mechanics lends itself perfectly to this focused, head-bopping, mouse-spinning game. Incredible integration into its containing web page makes for a seamless experience that doesn’t disappoint.
Graveck Interactive, who brought you Big Bang Brain Games, has gone radioactive. This spit-polished racing combat game features fast cars, dynamic tracks, and an announcer you won’t soon forget. Stick your 9-volt batteries into your remote control, and slip that biohazard suit on, just in case you incite a nuclear winter.
Thank you so much to everyone who entered! We truly wish we could have chosen each and every one of you to win the Top DOG contest! For those who are able to make it to the Unite Conference, we have confirmed that a representative will be in attendance all three days, and they would love to see your game. So keep on making those games, and remember the portals are just only an email away!
I loved being a judge, even though narrowing things down was an extremely hard task. I want to thank everyone that entered as you all made it a smashing success, the goal was to draw out some amazing content and it worked.
YOU GUYS ROCK! Congrats to everyone, notably the finalists.
We do want to make them available, to play, but we are waiting to finish Unity 2.0 so that everyone who plays will get a shipping version of the Web Player plugin, and we don’t have a lot of pre-release web players installed willy nilly on everyone’s computers.
Wow, I’ve been stunned at the quality of the entries from everything I’ve seen. Unity really is raising the bar with a lot of talented folks behind it. Thanks for the vote of confidence with regards to our entry and thanks for putting on the contest!
Congratulations to all five finalists! I hope your next two weeks are exciting, inspired and productive. It looks like an exciting time for Unity and web games is about to dawn!