Announcing the Top DOG Winner!

We made the official announcement on the final day of the Unite conference. Unfortunately I’ve been recovering from the conference until today, when I realized that no one outside of the conference is aware of the winner.

The 2007 Top Developer of Online Games is…

Flashbang Studios with Splume!

And you can play Splume now, by visiting

Please send a big congratulations to Flashbang Studios!

And as promised they won $2000 in cold hard cash…

Kudos to all who entered, your games were all a great display of what Unity allows you to do. But a big time congrats goes out to everyone at Flashbang for the awesome job they did, ROCK ON!

Congratz Matthew and company! The game truly was great, I played for a good hour :smile:

A little off-topic, where can we play the other entries?

IIRC the plan is for us to post/host them but we’re all a little overwhelmed with catching up on work today. And frankly, Sam is supposed to have today off of work but he couldn’t resist posting the winner announcement (for good reason). Stay tuned for more news…

Thanks guys! The fat sack of cash caught me off guard. We just sort of stared at it dumbfounded, but now I wish we had tossed it around the room or generally created some chaos :wink:

sigh Matthew needs to find himself a comb :wink:

Nice one Shawn… :lol:

Congratulations Mathew.

Congrats guys!

If you need any help carrying that bag o’ loot don’t hesitate to call me. I am here for you.


Congrats again Matthew!

Did you walk downtown SF with that bag? :slight_smile:

kaaJ - Dirk Van Welden

A picture is worth a thousand words…

Go Flashbang, go Matthew!

Seeing it all like that just makes it so real. Good on you guys for bankrolling this, its really good of you. Imagine how Matt feels in that pic…

Awesome stuff.


Awesome work Flashbang, you guys did it again!

Now let’s see a cheat code that turns the splume particles into dolla bills! :slight_smile:

Great meeting you and the team Matt, and congrats again!

Nice! Congrats guys!

Splume FTW! My daughter is playing it right now… after I have played it for an hour or so :slight_smile:

Congratulations !
Splume is really a nice funny game !

Ain’t that purty! Lots of fun too. Congrats to Flashbang, well done!

I love how squishy and flexible it feels while still retaining a feeling of control. Great job!

Just thought I’d mention I’ve gotten back to playing Splume (beat all the standard levels) and have really enjoyed it. The level editor is really cool, and I’ve been playing through those as well (and made a couple myself). I hope to see Splume on a portal near me soon–I’m sure it would be a hit!

Two suggestions:

  1. Use some kind of placeholder (or just a larger text box?) for the user levels list items–so that they don’t expand when the thumbnail loads. That expansion makes the list skitter out from under your mouse when you’re trying to click–unless you wait for it all to load.

  2. Make it easy to replay a user level once you have lost (or hit R). And maybe make Next Level take you to the next one in the alphabet?