Another question with My RTS Game

Hi. Another question with my RTS game. Should I randomize enemies by instantiating them by code, or should I already have the enemies loaded in the scene? Thanks to whoever answers

That’s more of a design question, depending on how you want the game to play. Having the enemies already in the scene, instead of build (instantiated) in real time, sounds more like many RTS single player modes or Real Time Tactical games.

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Like Joe said, that’ more of a design question, the scripting forum is for “this is what i want but i don’t know how”, the design forum is for “I don’t know/not sure what”

And to answer your question - this totally depends on your game, is this a “classic” rts where all the map is active at the same time or are you doing something like halo: wars campaign?

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Hmm… I guess I want the map to be active all times, and the player would therefore be able to see the enemy units building their base. So does that mean I have the enemies already loaded?

That depends… are you talking about calculating its behavior or rendering it?
But from what you asked about randomizing stuffs I get the feeling you’re a bit over your head on this one, RTS isn’t a very good genre to start on - maybe consider gaining some experience in doing stuff on simpler projects while figuring out this games design and coming back to it later when you know pretty much what to do.


Okay, I’ll try some simpler projects. What is a good genre to start on for someone who has been tweaking and learning Unity for a couple of months now?

Pick any game from the Atari 2600 catalog.