Hi, I have the following issue: versions are 3DS Max 2106 and Unity 5.3.2f1. The hand is skinned over a biped, I have exported with dual-quaternions both on and off with the same result. I have also tried setting blend weights to four bones in Unity, which did not change the result. Suggestions appreciated.
It’s been a while! Not a good solution, no. I ended up tweaking the max file to compensate for the effect - total kludge, but it reduced the damage, didn’t eliminate it though. I considered trying other formats than FBX for the geometry only but didn’t get round to actually trying this. I haven’t repeated the exercise in 5.5 but suspect (by no means certain) it’s an FBX issue anyway, so probably wouldn’t make any difference. Messing with the max file or trying a separate format for import, but still using FBX for motion, seemed like the only two available options.