I am working on a script that plays ambient sounds with a 10 second delay but I don’t know how I get the code to loop. Can someone please help me with my script to make the code to play sounds loop?
My code: (I know it is wrong but this was the closest it could come)
var sounds : AudioClip[];
var timeBetweenSounds = 10.0;
function Start () {
yield WaitForSeconds(timeBetweenSounds);
audio.clip = sounds[ Random.Range( 0, sounds.Length ) ];
Create and call a new function and loop it.
var sounds : AudioClip[];
var timeBetweenSounds = 10.0;
var timesToPlay : int = 20;
function Start () {
//If you want to play it specific amount if times
function SoundLoop(){
for(int i = 1; i <= timesToPlay; i++){
yield WaitForSeconds(timeBetweenSounds);
audio.clip = sounds[ Random.Range( 0, sounds.Length ) ];
//If you want to play it forever
function SoundLoop(){
while(true){ //or for(;;){
yield WaitForSeconds(timeBetweenSounds);
audio.clip = sounds[ Random.Range( 0, sounds.Length ) ];