[Answered] In a 2D project, how do you test to see if a sprite is at a certain Y level?

So I’m trying to make a basic platformer as a first project, as I have never coded before, and I’m having a little trouble. I’m currently trying to program the Jump function so that the player can not jump, the release and press Jump again (causing them to jump in mid-air); I want them to only jump once, then fall back to the ground. The problem lies in that I can’t seem to make it (basically) read “If the player is at y-level -4.5, the can jump. otherwise, wait.” I’ll include my PlayerMove script so far; I don’t know if this has already been answered before, but regardless, could someone help me figure this out?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PlayerMove2 : MonoBehaviour {

	public Rigidbody2D rb;

//These lines are here in case I decide I need/want them
	//	private float pressD;
	//	private float pressA;
	//	private float pressW;
	//	private float walkRight;
	//	private float walkLeft;
	//	private float jump;
	//	private float fall;

	void Start () 
		rb.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ();

	void WalkRight()
		if (Input.GetKey ("d")) {
			rb.velocity = new Vector2 (2, 0);

	void StopRight()
		if (Input.GetKeyUp ("d")) {
			rb.velocity = new Vector2 (0, 0);

	void StopLeft()
		if (Input.GetKeyUp ("a")) {
			rb.velocity = new Vector2 (0,0);

	void WalkLeft()
		if (Input.GetKey ("a")) {
			rb.velocity = new Vector2 (-2, 0);

	void Jump()
		if (//This is where the code is supposed to go){
			if (Input.GetKeyDown ("w")) {
				rb.velocity = new Vector2 (0, 5);

	void Update () 
		WalkRight ();
		StopRight ();
		WalkLeft ();
		StopLeft ();

PLEASE NOTE: This question is slightly outdated. While the answer I received is correct, there are better ways to test for a y-position; for that matter, there are better ways to disable infinite jumps. Please refer to “Ray cast” for more info.

If this Script is attached to the player then you should be able to check the position of the player by referencing its gameObject.
try this in your script :

if (gameObject.transform.position.y <= -4.5){
     Debug.Log("The Player is less than 4.5");
     // Whatever else you would like to happen