It seems that anti-aliasing is nonexistent in my projects, both in scene view and game view. I use lightweight pipeline but i opened up new project without pipeline and had the same problem
This is game view and it’s the same in scene view.
I tried changing anti-aliasing to both 8x and disabled and nothing changes
It’s not the asset pack because problem persists on simple shapes like cubes and spheres and it doesn’t disappear when i build the game.
What is the problem?
You’re not giving enough information. What AA solution are you using? The one in Quality Settings? For that one you need to make sure you are running on the correct quality setting (making changes to Fantastic does nothing if you’re actually running on Good for example), that your build platform supports it, that you are not using HDR cameras, and that you are using forward rendering (not deferred). I can’t find information on if the Quality Settings AA is supported in any SRP like the light weight pipeline but I have my doubts.
Now with the Unity post processing stack v2 released, generally you would use the AA options available there instead of in Quality Settings, though I don’t believe they have any “8x” option so that is why I’m assuming you’re not using the pp stack.
You would be better off asking in the section appropriate to the render pipelines. With that said I was able to turn on MSAA by enabling HDR in my LWRP settings asset. It might very well be a requirement of the pipeline to have AA but I wasn’t able to find any posts or doc entries to verify.