I got this message when I started my computer (Before I logged in).
Sorry some of it is in swedish, it basically means that It found harmful code, and the last line says what “attack” it preformed/tried to prefome.
I got this message when I started my computer (Before I logged in).
Sorry some of it is in swedish, it basically means that It found harmful code, and the last line says what “attack” it preformed/tried to prefome.
What is your OS?
Unity 5.5.0a6 is no longer the current beta version, 5.5.0b1 has been released: 5.5.0b1 is available - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions
Has anyone else had this issue with F-Secure or any other anit-virus software? I’ve experienced this before when some of the anti-virus software had not updated their safe list (not sure what its called). Since Preview2 is based on the Alpha, maybe it’s not out there yet.