This is the preview shots for my upcoming “Anubis” character. He still has to get rigged (humanoid rig) and animated, but you can see the basic idea! All the textures are 100% customizable, so you can replace metal with cloth or leather etc, change the colors, the skin and all that.
He will also feature Blend Shapes, so that you’ll be able to morph the physical mesh as well!
Let me know what you think!
If you like my work, I started a new thing where you can get ALL my characters for just $25 each if you sign up at
Commit to buying every character I produce and you’ll only pay $25/character. They only charge you when a character is ready, so there’s no risk to paying and not getting a character delivered. You’ll also get to vote on what character(s) we produce next!
The tongue looks a bit pale orange imo, and I think his muzzle would look slightly better with a darker nose.
Other than those minor things - great looking model.
Did you model based off of an egyptian jackal?
Could be the orange lighting but fortunately the textures are 100% customizable, so with sliders you can adjust both of those things to your liking – even making the nose look more wet or a different color entirely
I sent the modeler a bunch of concept art from the web as well as some real Egyptian samples, and let him take it from there to make a version he liked.
I was just reading… I’m not trying to bash but let me get this right… You don’t actually do any of the work but you claim credit as if they are your own work, you have other people model and texture stuff for you and then you sell those works of art as if they are yours? I’m not sure if that sounds very profitable… Lol. Almost seems wrong. I mean… Whatever works for you I guess but wouldn’t it be easier to at least contribute to the creation somehow? Or maybe actually make a game with the art and put it to use yourself and sell the game instead?
I started producing the work because i wanted models for my own games (, which I make myself. I don’t have the skills for modeling – my hands have never worked like that, unfortunately, or animating. So it’s more efficient (and I can get a better outcome) if I hire it out.
A modeler does the modeling, I have two animators who do the animating, a sound guy who does the sound design – none of them could do it all themselves, since each is best At what they do.
The modeler does most, but not all of the texturing. I do the customization with substance designer, which is “a thing” and a very important part of it all – without it, there would be just one look to the models and nothing could be modified. I also do all the scripting and the unity integration, the demo scenes etc.
Just like any production, each of us does our part.
How is it any different than paying a manufacturing plant to produce goods for a small business? Mom and pop aren’t making the product themselves, but it’s still their’s. There’s also nothing wrong with having assets produced for your own game and then selling the same assets to help with production costs.
On topic though, I think it looks great. Anubis has always been my soft spot in Egyptian mythology. (Even though I don’t like dogs at all)
I think people may be surprised about how many assets are produced by people who really do just hire out and nothing else. I had heard of one particular – quite popular – producer who didn’t do anything himself, or very very little, and instead just hired a guy from Vietnam to do it. Guy found out, and now has his own product line on the store instead, and the original no longer produces stuff.
Either way, consider it a team. When I say “we” or “I” it’s often the same thing.
Yeah I see what you mean. I never really had to know how sales of models… or anything of that sort works so that reply was more a matter of not knowing and being intrigued I guess lol.
Anyways, The models do look great… If I had a need for any models I would think about purchasing. Keep up the good work!
I’m packaging this up for release. Probably will be released tomorrow night at
If you sign up for the “Subscription” plan before it’s released, you’ll get it for just $25. Basically each new character is just $25 regardless of the regular price. 50% off, or more.