Comparison charts like these are extremely useful!
However, I was wondering if this idea can be extended to comparison charts for GUI plugins (NGUI, Daikon, etc.), node-based shader editors (shader forge, strumpy, etc.), or behaviour tree editors (Rain, Behave, etc.).
Or are there such comparison charts out there already? ( I tried doing a search for “shader editor comparison chart” and couldn’t find any)
I understand it’s quite an enormous amount of work though (and details in comparison charts need to stay objective), so I’m only putting the idea out there.
Useful but that is marketing and marketing is up to the individual sellers. Maybe the one of the NGUI, DF GUI, EZGUI make a chart to help their sales. There are several car / race packages and several flight physics packages and lots of others.
The point is something free of marketing fluff and from an objective point of view (as much as reasonably possible). And having it in a chart like the one Adam Buckner made (check the link) means it’s easy to make initial comparisons.
However I am aware it’ll be a lot of work to keep such charts up to date, so I’m just mentioning it, in case anyone wants to, or if there’s one already (besides the aforementioned network comparison chart).