Any chance of some more Property Attributes?

Would love if some more attributes could be added into the new beta.
I find myself using these a lot:

value must be greater than 0

value must be less than 100

int value is mask enum (System.Flags)

[Help(“Don’t toggle this”, MessageType.Warning)]
draws a help box with message above the field

int value is a game object layer

at the very least, imo, a “Min” attribute should be standard, ensuring a value is greater than 0 is my daily life.

A label attribute would be greatly welcome but for the rest simply use OnValidate()

    void OnValidate()
        if (value < 0) value = 0;

For example. It is called whenever someone diddles with stuff in the inspector, and is precisely for your problem.

We’ve had these in the project for so long that I forgot they were not in fact standard! :stuck_out_tongue: