I have this overly advanced armature, if i want it to ragdoll it’s not that easy.
I’m making the extra armature parts follow with this method.
lwrm_muscle_01_R.LookAt(lwrm_muscle_01_T_R.position, new Vector3(0, 0, 1));
but when it comes to a certain angle it turns 180 the wrong way out of nowhere.
Here is a short video demonstration of the issue.
Alternatively if there is a better solution, i might be up for fixing it likewise.
Looks like gimbal lock - or rather gimbal rotation that is causing that to rotate in accurately. To fix - several options - best to research gimbal lock to understand what is happening, but short answer - the pivot point of the arrow mesh piece needs to be moved so it is not getting confused with which axis it is supposed to be animating around. Might be some setting on the joint as well in the inspector to modify the characteristics so this is avoided.
Your z’s are pointing the wrong way. Good tutorials mention that they should point in the general direction of the bone rotation.
Flip the top one and recalculate roll based on that. There are many tutorials on this.
If you key framed a rig in Blender and did a full loop, you probably didnt realise that 0 and 360 are not the same thing, It will remember the state of the full circle and twist up your limbs.