Any IDE recomendationes besides VS Code?


Can any of you recommend a free IDE which offers autocomplete for Unity?
I am kind of tired of having to spend 30 minutes of checking a 100 line code, because I made some spelling mistake like writing a capital letter instead of a small one.

I already tried Consulo, but it has a bug where it cannot find the Unity IDE, so it is a useful as writing on a piece of paper.
Besides that I found some guides on adding highlights and autocomplete to Notepad++, but the guides are for older versions of Unity, which have an unattainable at the moment xml file.

TL;DR; Can anyone offer a free to use IDE, which offers autocomplete and hopefully highlights for Unity and is not VSCode?

I’ve been using Visual Studio Community 2019 with 2020.2 and it’s been great (minor gripes and occasional crashes aside)… btw, you haven’t mentioned which OS you’re using.

Sorry about that. I am using Windows 7.

Same here - if you haven’t tried it already, Community edition is free and definitely worth a look.

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I use and highly recommend Script Inspector 3. Turns Unity into a true IDE; no external editor needed. It literally changed my life the day I discovered it.


I’m just curious… Why not VS Code? I find the syntax highlighting and error detection works great on both Windows and macOS.