Any idea why Decals turn to red in 2021.3?

On some computers, we have decals turning red, like the image below. Reimporting the materials fixes the issue, most of the time, but that’s really annoying as it randomizes and fragilizes our build delivery process. This did not happen in 2020.3.

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Maybe related to the bug, our version control (Plastic SCM) often shows that those 2 lines are either added or removed on decal materials on different machines. So when we commit those it commits them back and forth between machines.

We’re not sure it’s related, but it definitely could be, and it’s also really annoying.


if those line are / added / removed, it mean that decal emissiveness will be enabled.
i.e I expect that in your decal settings you have a red emissive color, and then if those line aren’t present they will render in the emissive decal pass.

The true question is why those line appear/disappeard?
Which version of 21.3 do you used?
Will you be able to identify a pattern? From your description I have maybe something to suggets.
Try to create a small scene with this particular material. Then close the project, delete the Library folder, open it / close it. Check if this material have change. Then open it again, and just open this particular material in an inspector, then save it (without modification) and check if it have change.

I am wondering if you could be in an order of initialization issue with the project and HDRP itself, this could allow to identify it. Thanks

Hello, it appears both of your problems are related and are coming from an initialization order issue from HDRP. We have found a way to repro the issue by doing a clean import on a project that needs to run the material upgrade postprocessor but if you find other repro case, please share them.

I am openning a PR that should fix the issue but in the meantime, simply openning the material in the inspector should make it work as expected