Any ideas how I could slightly improve the Standard Assets car side collisions.

Hi there, I am making a racing game where the track has a mesh collider and the sides are exactly vertical. The road is very wide, but if u even so much as clip the side the unity standard car im using just spins the rear end round and you end up facing backwards.

It doesnt feel right. I think, as this is just an arcade, dodge-stuff, style racing game. Id like to make it bounce slightly when it touches the side. But I dont know where to start with changing that behaviour.
(When i say bounce, what i mean is just kind of nudge you slowly a tiny bit back into the middle and not spin the back end out)

Any help will be massively appreciated.


Create a new physics material and set the friction close to 0. This will help the car “slide” along the side of the track instead of being slowed down by it. You can also try moving your wheel colliders more in just in case they are also hitting the side of the track.