I’m itching to hack away at some more tutorials, I hunger for pre made code so that I may feast on it’s functions - plus i’d like to know how to do cool things with unity…
How to do cool things with with unity?
- You need a good idea for a game
- Then you need artwork
- And some good scripts
#2 and #3 can be included in a new tutorial, but for the rest, you’ll need to use your own brain…
Also, tutorail stuff isn’t always what you need, it’s mostly only useful for specific types of games. You’ll always have to do most of the work yourself, even if you have the best tutorials
(ps: didn’t want to offense anybody at UT, your tutorials are great! )
I’d love a C# tutorial, and just more scripting tutorials of any sorts. The current ones are great for graphics and working with the editor, but don’t go into much detail with the scripting. It seems they assume you have a good idea of scripting already.
Anyway, +1 for step by step (or fairly step by step) scripting tuts. And one for C# please, pretty please