Any news on the XR Foundation Toolkit at Unite Austin?

For reference:

I thought we might hear something about this at Austin but I haven’t seen anything yet.

Has anyone heard anything new about it? Or perhaps someone at Unity can chime in?


There were multiple talks about AR/VR and a couple focusing on XR but it was all sort of overlapping and redundant.

Vuforia, ARKit, ARCore, some demos, best practices and novel ideas were presented but I don’t remember anything specific about Unity having a special implementation. I missed one of the AR/VR/XR talks by Rob, maybe he discussed it? Didn’t see any mention of it in the talk descriptions, though.

Any new info on this toolkit announced almost a year ago?

there are some more infos from UT dev in this thread . It was certainly announced too soon but native VR/XR has already come a long way since one year ago.

Unfortunately this ended up having a dependency on our new input system and so some pieces of it have been delayed. In the meantime, we’ve already released some of the functionality in the form of native APIs, the Tracked Pose Driver, etc. The long-term goal here is to have everything you need be native.